Personalized coaching and consulting that simply works.

...your authentic-self is waiting for you to take proud ownership of who you are!

Hi, I'm Brenda Joy...

I am a straightforward and high-energy coach who takes a holistic approach to help people identify and achieve their purposeful goals by creating customized and meaningful strategic plans with purpose driven accountability.

In my consulting services, I specialize in understanding your business to assist you in identifying best-practices/high-quality solutions; yes, I want to fully comprehend your business in order to create curated and customized solutions designed to fit your needs!

Brenda Joy Gilmore


Honest coaching, designed uniquely for you.

I will work with you to develop a personalized coaching program that meets your specific needs and provides you with the support and guidance you need to succeed!

  1. Two people in business attire shaking hands as if a deal has been reached.

    Career Coaching

    Do you want to identify and achieve your career goals?

  2. Two people's hands reaching to one another with sunset in the background.

    Spiritual Coaching

    Do you want to enhance your spiritual life?

  3. Black hand and white hand shaking with bright blue sky in the background.

    Life Coaching

    Do you want to release your resistance to positive-transformational change?